What is MK-677?
What is MK-677?
Though the scientific name is actually Ibutamoren, we like to call it by the code name of MK-677 at gurupeptides.com. Some other manufacturers and/or distributors refer to the substance as MK-0677, L-163, or simply 191. The code names are derived from the chemical makeup, various identifiers, and growth factors. As of January 2019, you can find this substance in a singular medicinal form known as Oratrope, obtained through prescription only. We sell MK-677 in its pure form because we understand the need for research and development in order for other medications to be theorized, researched, studied, manufactured, and approved. At gurupeptides.com, we aim to provide you with the highest quality ingredients for your research, and that includes MK-677.
So… What is It, Exactly?
Ever heard of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor? How about the ghrelin receptor? That’s the receptor in a mammal’s body that binds growth hormones together. In particular, the ghrelin hormone which is primarily the hormone most important for our digestive system. A peptide hormone that regulates hunger and plays an important role in metabolism, ghrelin is typically only secreted when the stomach is empty. It’s the body’s way of letting us know it is time for some more fuel.
The ghrelin receptor is essentially the creator of the ghrelin hormone. So, following along logically, MK-677 is an agonist for ghrelin receptors. MK-677 can be leveraged to increase the growth hormone secretagogue receptor’s activity, promoting the production of ghrelin, and causing hunger in the subject that is receiving the MK-677 supplementation.
Known Use(s) of MK-677
As fate would have it, increasing ghrelin production isn’t the only benefit to MK-677 supplementation. During the 1990’s, many research studies were completed regarding the use of MK-677 to improve growth hormone and the effects that would have on people and animals alike. For instance, in 1997, a group from the Free University of Belgium determined that prolonged MK-677 dosing led to improved sleep in adult men. Then, in 1998, a team from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden determined that MK-677 supplementation increased creased cardiovascular mortality!
Remember, there is already a leading medication that uses MK-677 as the active ingredient. Ibutamoren is typically prescribed to patients suffering from one of a few annoying issues. Women suffering from lack of sexual desire have been prescribed Ibutamoren. As have men struggling with getting a good night of sleep. Primary care physicians have prescribed people Ibutamoren to help increase energy levels and reduce heart problems typically related to obesity. Veterinarians prescribe animals a light variant of Ibutamoren for the same reason.
Side Effects of MK-677
Unfortunately, there is a single keep side effect that you need to be aware of when you’re doing your research and testing. Water retention is pretty much a guarantee. Cells increase in mass almost solely due to water retention after MK-677 use. This may or may not cause problems for your experimentation. Water retention is difficult to combat so just be aware. To try to counteract the water retention, it is suggested you utilize dandelion root and control sodium intake/consumption. Apart from the water retention, there are no side effects to speak of!
1 “Ibutamoren.” Adis Insight. Research Programme: Anti-Infectives – Essential Therapeutics/Lexicon, 18 May 2018. https://adisinsight.springer.com/drugs/800007434.
2 Copinschi, G, et al. “Prolonged Oral Treatment with MK-677, a Novel Growth Hormone Secretagogue, Improves Sleep Quality in Man.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 1997, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9349662.
3 Svensson, J, et al. “Two-Month Treatment of Obese Subjects with the Oral Growth Hormone (GH) Secretagogue MK-677 Increases GH Secretion, Fat-Free Mass, and Energy Expenditure.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 1998, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9467542.
4 Nass, R, et al. “Effects of an Oral Ghrelin Mimetic on Body Composition and Clinical Outcomes in Healthy Older Adults: a Randomized Trial.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 4 Nov. 2008, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18981485.