What is SR9009 (Stenabolic)?
What is SR9009?
You’ll often hear SR9009 called a SARM, but Stenabolic (SR9009) is actually a Rev-ErbA ligand (a natural molecule of the human body) that binds SR to the protein and increases activity in the human body while SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.. People using SR9009 experience a variety of positive effects that are desirable to athletes and the general public alike, including:
- Increase of metabolism
- Increase in fat loss
- Increase in endurance
- Increase of muscle growth
- Improved breathing ability during exercise
- Improved cholesterol
- Improved blood sugar levels
Let’s take a few minutes to learn a little about Stenabolic (SR9009), what it is, how it’s used, any potential side effects, and the benefits it can offer. Understanding this information will enable you to make a decision as to whether or not SR9009 is a supplement you should try to meet your physical and health goals.
What is Stenabolic SR9009?
Developed by Thomas Burris, a professor at Scripps Research Institute, SR9009 is a synthetic Rev-Erb ligand known to influence reactions in the body such as increased endurance and weight loss. Research studies have shown SR9009 to affect the circadian rhythms, fat-storing cells, and lip and glucose metabolism in test subjects.
SR9009 is an agonist of REV-ERB with IC50 = 670 nM for REV-ERBα and IC50 = 800 nM for REV-ERBβ.
SR9009 Scientific Formula: C₂₀H₂₄ClN₃O₄S
SR9009 Reduces Obesity in Animal Models
In the March 2012 issue of the journal, Nature Medicine, Professor Thomas Burris described SR9009 as a compound that reduces obesity in animal models and synchronizes the body’s activity with the 24-hour cycle of night and day.
The human metabolism changes speeds throughout the day naturally, using food for energy at times and other times storing it as fat. When a dysfunctional metabolic clock is restored with SR9009, food and excess fat are then used as energy instead of being stored.
In a study, “Rev-Erb Modulates Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Capacity by Regulating Mitochondrial Biogensis and Autophagy”, conducted by scientists Estelle Woldt and Yasmine Sebti, and senior authors Bart Staels and Helene Duez, at the Institut Pasteur de Lille in France, it was discovered that when mice lacked the Rev-Erb protein, they had decreased skeletal muscle metabolic activity and reduced ability to run. When treated with SR9009, the mice could run longer and further by 50%. The mice had developed muscles similar to that of athletes that had been training for a long time, even without exercise. Gene expression after using SR9009 is similar to an athlete as well, with oxidative-type muscle.
These study findings could result in new medicine to help people who are unable to exercise reduce weight. Further testing of SR9009 will involve the potential of the compound to treat obesity, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the typical problems of aging that results in reduced muscle capacity.
Medical Uses of SR9009
Stenabolic will likely be used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes. Individuals with type 2 diabetes can benefit from SR9009 for its ability to decrease plasma glucose and triglycerides. For individuals who are unable to exercise, SR9009 could be used to treat obesity and help them lose weight even without training.
It is also expected that Stenabolic will be used to treat muscle and strength loss caused by aging (sarcopenia), as well as metabolic syndromes and cholesterol related issues.
Strong animal study results lead Professor Burris and his team to pursue funding for starting a biotechnology company that would focus on developing SR9009 and similar compounds for safe pharmaceutical use in humans.
General Health Benefits of SR9009
When there is an increase of mitochondria in the muscles, the result is more strength and endurance. In a study involving mice where the mice ran 50% further and for a longer amount of time after using SR9009, researchers were lead to believe that the mitochondria in the muscles generate energy in the body. SR9009 also helps replace any defective mitochondria from the muscles with new and improved mitochondria.
SR9009 also increases the metabolic rate and energy expenditure by 5% even when the body is at rest. This helps prevent excess calories consumed from turning into fat on the body. When your body stores less fat, then less cholesterol is developed by your liver, and the muscle burns more fat and glucose.
What Kind of Side Effects Are Experienced With SR9009
You should only use SR9009 under the direction of a physician. SR9009 can affect the body’s natural clotting time so people with blood clotting disorders would not be prescribed SR9009.
Also, as SR9009 has not yet gone through Clinical Phase I trials and is a fairly new compound, long term effects are not fully known. If you have a history of heart problems, prostate issues, psychiatric disorders, or cerebrovascular disease you should take extra caution. Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant should avoid use of SR9009 as it is unknown whether or not it could affect the baby.
Where Do You Get SR9009?
The FDA regulates the availability of drugs in the United States. It determines which drugs can be purchased without a prescription and which drugs requite a prescription. SR9009 has not yet received FDA approval and is awaiting testing before a license can be granted. Despite this, it does not mean that it isn’t available for sale. SR9009 for sale can be found on sites selling chemicals, peptides, and SARMS for research purposes. If you are buying SR9009 to conduct research studies, you can get your hands on the compound without too much difficulty.